Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 6 August 2018

Changing Clouds.

Once again we had a grey, humid morning followed by a sunnier and hotter afternoon.
Today I headed off to Lidl's and Tesco's after going to the dump to get rid of garden waste and our old folding camping chairs. The chairs looked alright apart from a bit of rust but I discovered on our last camper trip that there was something wrong with the seats. I couldn't pinpoint the fault, the same on all four of the chairs, but it felt as if I was being pushed forwards. Not comfortable at all. I only bought one new chair as a decent one came with the camper. And yes, I did take it out of its bag in Tesco's and try it out first. Casting my eyes along the sale's rails in Tesco's I picked up a couple of sport/yoga vests. I went for the biggest sized ones so that I could take them in under the arm pits and have more flowy tops. Tesco's is trying to promote a 'healthy eating' image and usually have a couple of types of fruit at 49p which I generally take advantage of. Today I had a melon and a bag of bananas but then I found more bananas for 20p. Got two bags and will be making banana cake tomorrow.
An orange tailed bumble bee on the 'raspberries and cream' sedum.
There was an interesting cloudscape this evening hinting at a change in the weather. 

1 comment:

happyone said...

That last sky picture looks like the sea on fire.