Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Grey Still.

Still grey but dry today. Sort of muggy but the forecast is for significantly cooler in the next few days. I'm still attempting to sort out my sleeping pattern. Today I woke at 7.30 which was good but then fell asleep until 9.30 which wasn't. Must try harder at getting to sleep in the evening and if I wake after half an hour not get up which is what I did eventually last night. At the moment by the time I've done my exercises and music a big chunk of the day is already gone. 
I seem to have spent a lot of today cleaning. I don't mind but it doesn't feel very productive. Patch has a tendency to throw up his food which is not a good sign especially first thing in the morning so I'm cutting down the amount he gets each time and increasing the frequency of his meals.
Two packets arrived with the post today which cheered me up; some stretchy nylon thread for bracelets and a hoover attachment which has plastic pipes like spaghetti so that you can hoover up the dust from things like keyboards. It's quite handy and yes I did order mine from China so not expensive. (stock photo)

When I go out into the garden to take photos I sometimes feel that I'm taking the same pictures but if I stay and  watch for a while I spot changes and new creatures. While the honey bees are buzzing merrily in the fuchsia flowers some tiny flies, pretending to be dangerous critters, were visiting the newly opened pink sedum flowers. 
A pot of a carex? grass has produced delicate black flowers which contrast well with the garden wall and in another pot a self-sown flower that often popped up the old garden has made the journey here. 
Best to finish now as I am aiming to be in bed ready for the 10.45 book at bedtime on the radio. The very soporific ! Jaws, complete with da dum, da dum, da dum music.

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