Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 12 August 2018

More Rain.

Lots more rain today. It has finally stopped but I feel sorry for anyone here on holiday. I woke with a headache and a cough so have taken things fairly easy today. Part of my afternoon has been spent altering a cheap (Primark) soft bra top. Keen to avoid the restriction of a 'normal' bra but too well endowed to go without, I tend to wear soft sport bras/tops but haven't yet found one that provides enough support as well as being comfortable. (Just checked out M&S and I might go there for a try of their latest styles.)
With little to see bar the rain today here are a few more photos from our Lydford trip.
We saw two of these 'money' trees on our walk where people have hammered coins into the bark of an old log. This article indicates that this is a fairly modern phenomenon which may have links back to pagan tree worship.   
The remains of the Saxon town walls/ defences around Lydford. 
Sunny views of Lydford Church (above) and the Castle Inn (below). 

Hungry swallow chicks in the porch of St. Michael's Church, Brentor. There was a notice on the church door asking people to keep the door closed so that the swallows didn't fly into the church. It's a bit of a blurry picture but I was lucky to take it just as the chicks popped their heads up to call for food.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Hope you're feeling better today.
Interesting about the money trees.
Last evening we had some heavy rain too and there were pea size hail stones as well!