Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 15 August 2018


Plenty of warm wind today with very little sun. The towels I hung out on the line soon dried and I was tempted to mow the lawn as the grass (and weeds) has begun to grow again but decided not to after spending time weeding the garden.
I did get on with sorting out another folder and we now have a half full paper recycling bag. We normally generate so little recycling that the paper and cardboard bags only get put outside for collection every two or three weeks. The food caddy is another matter. Last week because we would be away on Thursday when the recycling  people come I asked my neighbour to put our caddy in the front garden once it had been emptied. (All the recycling is put by the car parking area to make it easier for collection.) However when we got home after our trip to Lydford the food caddy, unemptied, was still in the little bin shed.) I assumed that in all the commotion of putting the cats and all the stuff we needed in the car I had simply forgotten. However it turned out that Peter had seen the caddy sitting on its own on the grass and helpfully put it back in the shed. The next time I went to put some food scraps, wrapped in newspaper, in the caddy I could see a fuzzy white mold growing on the newspaper and by today it had turned bright orange/pink. (More vivid than in the photo.) I haven't been able to identify it but I foresee plenty of bleach being used to clean out the caddy once it's been emptied. 

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