Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 25 August 2018


A cold bright day today. With all the recent rain the grass has grown well so this afternoon I mowed the lawn and the communal grass. It all looks a lot neater now.
Recently Fluffy Cat has been coming back into the garden, sometimes he's right down by the side of the conservatory as he has an escape route through the fence there. Today I went out to investigate the cause of a terrific amount of yowling. Speedy was skulking back into the house but up on the big deck Patch was nose to nose with Fluffy Cat. Before I could intervene the pair of them were rolling over and over with fur flying everywhere. I didn't want to risk getting scratched or bitten or even break FC's tail by grabbing it. Instead I aimed a few kicks at his rear (I was wearing flip-flops) and FC made a break up and over the back wall. I grabbed Patch who was trying to follow him and sat with him on my lap trying to calm him down as his weak heart was beating far too fast. Eventually I gave him some food which he ate and then went to sleep.
I did some baking today. It all stemmed from my meringue attempt. Somehow, well it has been over 20 years since I made choux pastry, I thought choux pastry only needed egg yolks and by the time I realised it needs whole eggs I'd already bought some cream for profiteroles. Peter used up the yolks in an omelette and I made a stack of profiteroles. The first ones could have done with a little longer in the oven but on the whole they're alright. I remembered to let the steam out to allow them dry to off and I'll fill them with cream tomorrow. When I thought about it I like profiteroles because of the cream and chocolate so I'm not sure if I'll bother with them again.
The boys sent me two lovely bouquets yesterday and I had fun filling vases with flowers and putting them around the house. 

This pastel arrangement now sits on the coffee table in the sitting room.
The kitchen is filled with the scent of these lilies and the morning sun lit up the sunflowers and gazanias.

A pretty sunset last night.

1 comment:

happyone said...

That sounds like quite a cat fight. Glad no one got hurt.
So nice to have fresh flowers around the house.