Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 17 September 2022


A day of sun and clouds.
While Peter took yet another car load of garden waste and rubble to the dump (he had to queue behind 18 cars today) I carried on digging out the montbretia corms from under the hydrangeas. That mostly involved crawling under the bushes trying not to snap off the brittle hydrangea branches.
When I'd finished I took a break for an hour and decanted some of my latest stash of plasters from their paper wrappers. When I go to the zoo I put at least one plaster on each finger and toe to prevent damage which can take a while if I have to take each plaster out of its wrapper. 
And then I was tempted back outside for a walk along the beach. Only for an hour to blow away the cobwebs.
Sunset last night.

Yesterday - I loved these pones dozing in the sun. The dappled pony was sleeping with its head resting on the other pony's leg. 
As well as the dragonflies flitting about Ynys-Hir they had this large metal sculpture by the visitors' centre.

1 comment:

happyone said...

18 cars is quite a few - seems everyone had the same idea of going to the dump. :)