Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 12 September 2022


It rained heavily in the night and today we've had a couple of light showers. The most notable thing has been the warmth, I would say it has been around 20C/68F for most of the day.
Before Peter went off on anther dump run I cut back lots of montbretia for him to take along with the latest load of bathroom tiles. I planned to spend my time getting on with a number of small jobs in the front garden but it wasn't long before the next shower sent me back indoors. There I gave the orchids a thorough tidy up. The dreaded woolly aphids were making a reappearance on some of the orchids so they all had to be sprayed, wiped and sprayed again. Maybe I'll be able to keep the aphids under control this time. Keeping the orchids on top of the fridge gives me a better view of the undersides of the leaves which is where the aphids tend to hide.
Eventually I got back into the front garden again for some weeding and cutting back of the twigs shooting out of the top of the hedge. I also went round and did some trimming on the pavement side. Not so much to keep the hedge tidy but more to save passers by from getting hit in the face by wet leaves after the frequent rains.
I'm blogging early today as it's the Tenovus choir tonight. I'm going to make sure I sit somewhere near the back as my ears are still ringing after last week. If the ringing continues I may have to give this choir a miss.
A couple of photos from yesterday's walk. We all laughed at the top sign which says 'For Your Throat's sake - Smoke Craven A.' 


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