Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 30 September 2022


Whilst nothing like the horrendous weather that has been hitting other parts of the world here too we have had rain, all day. It's a shame my camera hasn't picked up the green hues of the sea which were rather pretty. The wind kept getting stronger and by the afternoon the keen surfers were out there trying to catch the big waves.
Peter still went off to town and the dump while I stayed home staring out at the wild weather through the windows. I planned to do lots of admin and general sorting of my study but by the time I'd scrubbed the oven and practised my Welsh and the piano my thoughts turned to our bathroom plans. Peter isn't exactly onboard with my vision of a walk-in shower, he seems to think I'm planning an expensive bespoke design even though I'm aiming to use standard shower trays and glass walls so I thought I'd draw up a scale plan of the bathroom with all the different options. Part of the problem is that it isn't immediately obvious which is the best lay-out. I think we need to look at all the options and make some decisions soon. Much more fun looking at photos of bathrooms than doing admin.


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