Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 10 September 2022

Grey then Sunny.

The day began with grey clouds looking as it would rain at eny moment. Eventually it brightened up here until we ended up with clear blue skies the only clouds being over the hills and a line of single clouds over the Llyn Peninsula far off on the other side of the bay.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night which initially was due to Peter's snoring. I escaped to watch tv for an hour and then returned hoping the late hour and the last round of tablets would help me get to sleep. Nearly an hour later I was even more wide awake so I got up again and went and did an hour of Welsh. At least I was doing something useful. I eventually dropped off around four in the morning.
With a gloomy start to the day I settled down at the kitchen table to get on with writing up my journal. It takes me a while to get back into the style of slightly elvish font I use with my current choice of a green italic felt pen. This is the sixteenth year of writing my journal and looking back I see my style was more narrative to start with whereas now it's more in report form. Mind you there is so much in the the sections listing all the work done in the house and garden it would be hard to write it as a narrative. It took me all day but now the last four seasons have been written up which is a weight off my mind.
The afternoon was so lovely that after sitting out for a while with a coffee thinking about and rejecting the idea of going for a swim, I had an early shower so that I could let my hair dry in the warm wind. I was giving myself a pedicure when out by the buoys I spotted two dolphins. They must have been a mother and calf as they remained almost touching as they swam around in the bay. A third dolphin was also there surfacing a bit further out.
Unfortunately there was a cloud bank on the western horizon so although there was an interesting sunset there was no possibility of seeing a green flash. I'm always hopeful.


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