Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 24 September 2022

Sun and Rain.

Blue, grey, blue. That's my best description of today's weather. We began with bright blue skies and the clouds reflecting in the sea which was followed by rain and grim grey skies and for the evening we're back to fluffy white clouds in a blue sky.
This morning I was out in the front garden again weeding away more of the old lawn with the sun sizzling on my bare arms. I timed my work well and had just got to the end of the section I was working on when the first drops of rain began to fall.
My gardening would have stopped anyway as in the afternoon we went to the community hall for a defibrillator training session. This had been advertised on FB and I'm surprised that only ten people (including us) had taken up the opportunity to become familiar with the defibrillators. I know they tell you what to do but I think it helps to have had some practice beforehand in what would no doubt be a stressful situation. I'm also surprised at the haphazard distribution of these life saving pieces of equipment. For a start there is no street signage telling people where the defibs are. We have four in the village two of which need a code to open. Yes, you get the code and location from the 999 phone operator but what if you are in one of the many areas of no reception in the village or if the power goes down? This happened some years ago and the phone masts only have power for 30 minutes before they shut down
We've been out again this evening. This time to see a band called Old Baby Mackerel play Bluegrass at The Star of the Sea, our local arts venue. They were a lively band and had a lot of people up and dancing, at one point there must have been around forty people bouncing, bobbing and generally doing their own thing on the dance floor. Not us though, Peter never does because of his knees and though secretly I would have liked to I don't have the confidence. Perhaps if I'd known some of the people but that should come in time. Instead I contented myself with tapping my feet and clapping. It was good to hear live music and I enjoyed people watching too.
Good news on the FB situation. This morning after four tries I finally got a code from FB to verify yet another new password and when I typed it in my FB page came up straight away. No messing about with extra verifications thankfully.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Love those puffy white clouds.