Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 7 September 2022


A day of warmth and some heavy showers with the occasional rainbow (photo below).
This morning the combination of aching back, knee and head made me decided that discretion was the better part of valour and for the first time I didn't go to the zoo. Much as I hate to break with routine I felt that weeding for several or more hours wouldn't help my back. 
Instead I caught up with Welsh and my admin, and made the decision to change my dumb phone to Peter's old smart phone. Apart from the screen being hard to read now I can't hear it ringing when I make a phone call though I can hear once somebody answers. I've been through every option in settings but only been able to increase the general volume. Maybe the man in the shop could locate a 'silent' or 'airplane mode' button but I think it's time to upgrade. 
One minor diy job was to run some sealant along the back of the spice shelves to cover up the rough edges of the laminated wood.
At one point in the afternoon I decided to go for a gentle stroll along the beach but no sooner had I set foot outside the door than the first drops of rain fell. That was the end of my walk. Instead I played the piano and for the first time in a while played the guitar too. I feel guilty when I see the guitar sitting there when I haven't got around to any practice. Hopefully I will be a bit more diligent with my practice.
I'm blogging early and next will do my singing warm-up before going off to sing with the small choir. (My ears are still ringing from the amplifier on Monday.)


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