Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Sun and Rain.

Yesterday's fierce winds have eased back to more normal levels though there have been frequent showers. In the brief sunny spells the air became weirdly hot bringing out the butterflies and bees. 

I think I'm finally feeling the benefit of my restful week and I've been more motivated to get things done. As well as drawing up plans for the tv stand I sanded the corner of a big pine cupboard that had been badly damaged by the cats. Actually it was mostly Elwen who liked to dig her claws into the soft pine. I didn't wax the wood afterwards as I've decided that when we move I'll sand and wax all our bigger wood furniture. It's about time to give the furniture a make-over and I'm sure there'll be plenty of time between moving in and unpacking all the boxes after the decorating has been done. Talking of decorating I don't intend to do the painting myself as the ceilings are really high and it was hard enough painting this place. I'll stick to ripping off as much of the wallpaper as I can.
In the meantime it's just a matter of keeping the place ready for viewing and sorting out the things we need to take on our next visit to Borth. 

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