Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 25 August 2019


The day began overcast and cooler than yesterday with the sun and high temperatures not returning until late afternoon. 
I've had to give myself another rest day as a few aches and pains made themselves felt in the night. My fault for overdoing the evening gardening in Borth. Probably when trimming the hedge that runs inside the garden wall. One neighbour would be happy to take over the cutting of the hedge with a flail on his tractor but that's such a brutal way to cut a hedge. He suggested taking the hedge down to the wall height instead of the current 7ft. But if we did that all the way along we'd lose privacy on the terrace with passers by only a couple of feet away. Not so good if we want to sit out in our pjs. However keeping a 7ft hedge is hardly future proofing. The garden and road slope down away from the house and I'm thinking the end section of the hedge could be lowered to wall height making it easy to trim with electric clippers and the section by the terrace can be reached from the terrace and then perhaps a solution to the middle section will appear.
While I was out trimming the hedge I had several long chats with different neighbours. I now know that the architect designed house at the end of the cliff road belongs to a millionaire footballer and another millionaire (property rental) lives two houses down. I've also been shown where I can unofficially throw garden waste over the cliff but I don't feel comfortable doing that.
Through his pub networking Peter got a chap to remove all the very heavy radiators that the plumber has put in the garage. Afterwards I said to Peter that I hoped he hadn't overdone the lifting trying to keep up with the scrap man only to be told the scrap man was 75. A very sprightly 75, it must be the sea air.

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