Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 7 August 2019


The day began with a lot of rain and wind and ended much sunnier though looking to the east this evening I saw extremely dark rain clouds. Although to me August means summer time it is noticeable that the evenings are drawing in. Suddenly it's dark by 9.30.
Today was the first time since coming back from Wales that I got all my exercise sessions done though this stupid cough is still hanging on. Luckily Peter's cold didn't get worse but I've always had a tendency to be a bit 'chesty'.
I sent some photos of my mother's sketches to the Tate archivist and as requested sent a couple of my mother. The one above was taken in her gallery, that's a Bryan Pearce painting on the wall behind her. I haven't been able to find the one that shows her standing outside the gallery (yet) but I was pleased to see from Google Street View that most of the name and possibly even the same doors remain.
Over the last few days I've been getting on with admin including making a new list of things to take to Borth on our next visit. I also made a scale plan of the living room, kitchen and dining area so that I can position our furniture also cut to scale. It's amazing how much a room shrinks when you put furniture in it. I measured the rooms one evening after Peter had fallen asleep, creeping around and trying not to make too much noise with the metal tape measure. I think I must have measured the bay window in cms not inches as I'm sure it's not 72 inches deep.

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