Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Handy Handles.

The weather has been much the same as yesterday; bright and warm in the morning with more clouds and a bit cooler in the afternoon. Before breakfast I re-used the door handles that had been on the front door as tool hooks in my gardening shed. I came up with the idea a little while back as it seemed a shame simply to throw them out to be re-cycled but hadn't got round to doing it until now.  
The rest of the time in the garden I've been tidying up the bits that can be seen when you come down the drive including cutting back the big crocosmia that were hanging over the drive making the entrance look narrow. The rest need to be cut back too but I'll wait until after Thursday when we have some people coming to look at the house. I also weeded the stone steps up to the pond and the lower bed by the back lawn as the weeds had begun to take over. Much as I would have liked to push on with the gardening I forced myself to do a section, stop for an hour and then return to the garden. 
This weekend I have found time to do a little piano and guitar practise. I can now play tunes on 3 strings of the guitar though whenever Peter listens he asks if I'm playing Bird on a Wire. Huh, let him try. I need to find a way to have a light by the piano that doesn't involve wires trailing over the place because even with the room lights on I can't really see the music once the evening starts to draw in.
I was up by the scree garden wondering if the swallows had left us for Africa when I looked up and saw a solitary swallow up above. Once they've all gone I feel that summer is truely over.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Clever idea to reuse the hooks.