Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 1 July 2017

Return of the Sun.

The sun made a welcome reappearance today which together with a brisk wind made it a good drying day. It was one of those days when it was lovely and warm in the sun but the minute the sun went behind a cloud it was somewhat on the chilly side. By late afternoon when I got around to taking photos the sun had gone for good.
Today I concentrated on the front paved area, sweeping up all the leaves and fallen rose petals as well as picking them off the raised bed. Then I turned to the other side of the porch and did a major trim of the winter flowering jasmine. It had been covering half the window and at the front it provided the snails with easy access to the hanging baskets. When I tied up the fennel that was flopping out of the cane tripod the air was filled with its strong anise scent. I cut down all the aquilegia flower stalks and before dumping them I shook them over the wild bit of ground on the other side of the stream. Who doesn't like aquilegias in a country garden?
Peter did all the mowing, something I'm relieved not to have to do any more. I was happily sniping the dead snow-in-summer flower stalks when I remembered I still had to do the ironing. Determined to get that job done I went from carefully snipping a few stalks at a time to wholesale chopping and not worrying too much about cutting the leafy stems. I've found that it doesn't grow much after flowering so I wasn't too wild with the trimming.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Another busy day for you. Glad you got to be in the sunshine part of the day. : )