Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 14 February 2023

A Warm Day.

Happy Valentine's Day. 
A day to appreciate those we hold dear in our hearts.
This morning we exchanged the usual cards and gifts- chocolates, roses and beer (I'll leave to you to work out who had what.) We very nearly had a day out but in the end it wasn't to be. Why am I not surprised? After getting up early for a delivery we waited for the electrician to call in for his money. Sometime in the morning was the arangement though he did come first thing. To rub salt in the wound he was heading off for a day out with his wife though at that point it had just begun to rain.
With the greyness of the day and those first drops of rain I suggested that we abandon our plans to go to Devil's Bridge, a local beauty spot not far from Aber. That was a relief for Peter as he then told me his knee is giving him trouble again.
Instead I opted to go down to the zoo as rain is forecast for the rest of the week. 
I drove there in case the weather got worse but instead it turned into a sunny and very warm day. My first job was to weed the large play area. Initially I could see very few weeds but when I went right round the perimiter I found a lot of weeds beginning to sprout from big clumps of roots. It was so satisfying to know that all those potential intruders are now in the compost heap. That done I removed as much as I could of the brambles growing in the safety moat around the wolf-dogs. They were in a very vocal mood today and there was lots of howling as people walked their dogs along the lane on the other side of the zoo fence.
Back home it was so warm that I took my crocheting along with a coffee out on to the terrace. There I was almost lulled to sleep by the gentle swooshing of the waves and the warm wind caressing my face.
The crocus I planted all had their flowers open to the sun. By chance they are the same variety as the clumps of crocus on the other side of the garden that were planted by the last owner.
......... Later on - Walked down to the hall for Pilates and for the first time it was still light. I even wondered if I'd done my usual thing and misread the clock at home but I hadn't. My back had been much improved today but I still made sure to be very careful and not push myself too far when we worked on the muscles in our lower back. I felt nicely toned up by the end of the session. The walk home was in the dark and we still have a stretch of street lights out of action. They stopped working when BT dug up the road to put in fibre for broadband. Apart from the concern about what I might be treading in the lack of street lights improved my view of the stars. It's a clear and cold night so the stars were easy to see, even the great swathe of the Milky Way. I had to stop a couple of times and just look up to take in all that magnificence. At home I either have to wait until after the street light has turned off or stand with my back to the light to get the best view.


1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

Crocus and Daffodils blooming make me even more anxious for Spring to arrive.