Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 23 February 2023

All Change.

The sun has been pouring in through the windows all day. Looking out it was a lovely Borthbados day, that is until I stepped outside when the chill air quickly dispelled that comparison. There was a brisk wind as well so I got some washing out on the line which is always a good thing.
I decided not to bore you with yet another photo of the hall cupboard/shelves but progress has been made. All the battens to support the shelves are up and secure and I glued and nailed some wood across at the top to tidy up the top edge. Also done was putting in some wedges to lift the board across the top of the space so that it now fits snugly against what looks like some sort of cementboard above it. There was still a lot of too-ing and fro-ing to the garage for the right size screws, wall plugs, nails etc. We have so many yet never seem to have the size needed. That's when I start looking in the tubs of mixed screws or nails that I've been carefully collecting over the years. 
Once I'd tidied up I had an hour with my feet up watching the beach. Nobody has braved the icy waters today but one excited dog had a great time running in and out of the waves. 
A thin layer of cloud began drifting in but I expect it will still be cold walking down to the hall for aerobics. No Zoom class today because of half-term which at least gave me more time to get on with other stuff. I enjoy the challenge of learning Welsh but it does take up a lot of time.


1 comment:

happyone said...

We had a preview of spring today. Sunny and warm. Afraid to think what next month will bring. :)