Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 20 February 2023


Grey with rough seas for most of the day with a short spell of sun late in the afternoon.
For some reason I feel weary today. By the time I was ready to work on the cupboard I was finding it very hard to muster up any enthusiasm. I think that's partly because I've reached the stage where I need to sort out drills, drill bits, screws, wall plugs and suitable wood which involves searching through a not too tidy workshop. (I kept wishing that I could just ask Peter to do it but at the moment his arthritis is bad and even walking is painful.) The shelves will be supported by wooden batons fixed to the sides and back of the space. There was one set of batons up in the right place but as the shelves aren't going to be so deep as before each side piece needed taking off the wall before cutting an end off and drilling a new hole in the wall which I now know has a coating of cement over  bricks. (I'm guessing this was where the cooker was in the original house layout.) For this I needed one drill for the wood with two bits to drill and countersink the hole and then two drills to drill into the wall as the largest drill is too heavy for me to use to start the hole. We don't have enough wood to make all the batons but I presevered, sorted out the supports for the first shelf and then measured up and made a list of all the wood I needed to buy. Not as much progress as I'd hoped but it was still some progress.
After that I made some spicy carrot, onion and lentil soup which had caught my eye on another blog. Naturally I only used the recipe as a guide so it might be a bit too spicy. I may have to eat plenty of bread with it or carry on cooking it with some potato. Also I added some extra tumeric and having used the hand blender (as per the recipe) the end of the blender is now a vivid lime green!
For the rest of the afternoon I carried on messing about with the crochet as I'm still working out how to combine two patterns.
Now for some cheery flowers from yesterday.
These clumps of snowdrops were at least 18" tall. (Hence my boot to give an idea of the size.)

There were a number of different varieties of Hellebore around. I liked these green ones the best.
The red cornus was stunning.


1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

Beautiful flowers!! I especially love the Hellebores. Mine are just a few inches tall.