Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Some DIY.

The day began with grey skies that soon turned into steady rain but a few hours later we had this .......
As the UPC window trim had been delivered yesterday I thought I might as well crack on and deal with the gap under the French doors. It seemed like a very simple task, just trim the plastic membrane that was poking up, clean the floor and window and cut the plastic coated strip to cover the gap between the flooring and the window frame. But getting down on my knees is not a lot of fun and I found I had to shape the ends of the trim to fit neatly into the gaps. It looks so much better but I still need to stick the trim in place (remembering to stick it only to the frame and not the floor as the flooring might need room to expand when the atmosphere is damper). Looking on-line it seems I can use either super glue or silicone. Super glue sounds easier but I only have some cheap and not very good glue so I shall have to get some of the proper stuff. Once the trim is stuck down hopefully that will reduce the icy draughts that attack my ankles in the evenings. Plus there should be fewer woodlice making their way up from under the house. They come up at night then die of dehydration as they attempt to cross the arid wasteland of the laminate flooring.
Having done that first job I was on a DIY roll and decided to make a start on the hall cupboard. The plan is to remove the doors of the cupboard and turn it into an inset bookcase. Initially I had thought we would get a builder/carpenter to do this for us but it is just so hard to get anyone to come and do things especially small jobs that I decided to at least start the job myself. I really would like to open up the space another foot but that would be very messy and depend on the structure of the chimney so I'm prepared to keep to what we have. Peter got me a cheap set of wood chisels and so far I've taken off the top part including the sliding glass doors. There wasn't as much mess as I thought, hopefully it will be the same when I remove the lower half.
And that has more or less been my day today. No choir tonight which feels strange but back to normal next week.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Beautiful view out of the windows.