Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Getting Some Rest.

The sky was hazy but overall the day was much brighter. 
It would have been a good day to go to the zoo but I chose to stay home instead. That was partly to get the rest I'd intended to have yesterday (had another bad night) but also because I was expecting a phone call from the surgery. This was just to see how I was doing after my beta blocker had been cut by two thirds. Last time they rang me on the house phone and on Peter's phone on the same day but after waiting all day they didn't ring at all. Now that I'm keeping the smart phone I'll have to give them my new number. That way I won't have to hang around indoors waiting for the phone to ring.
Speaking of phones, I was nodding in agreement at 'Just One Thing' on R4 this morning when the thing to change to improve your health was to reduce mobile phone usage. To start with there's the time wasted going on social media. I do go on FB and apart from seeing what our youngsters are doing a lot of it is like flicking through a magazine. But I have to go to my study to use my PC and I only look at FB when I'm 'on a break'. It also seems that simply having a phone to hand has been shown to increase stress and lack of concentration. Something to do with waiting for or not knowing when a message or call is going to come. So my 'old fashioned' habit of only carrying a phone for emergencies on journeys is good for my health.
It was my PC I turned to to renew my driving license. You can do the whole thing on line now, no more sending off a form hoping it doesn't get lost and that you've filled it in correctly. They will even be using the photo from my passport. They must keep a digital record of all the photos up in the cloud or somewhere. My passport photo is a really bad one where I look quite haggard with my hair all over the place. It was done at a time when I hoped to be doing some travelling so I thought I might well look like that after a long haul flight. As it turned out I didn't travel any further than The Isles of Scilly and Lundy and much as I'd love to visit a few places I doubt that will ever happen.
As part of taking things easier today I almost finished knitting the fingerless mittens. Just a shame that the multi-coloured, loopy, mohair wool was hard to undo when I decided that the contrast trim on the first one needed reducing. The wool was so hard to unpick that I ripped it right back and knitted the trim again. .........

I've returned from choir where we had a great time. It's even more fun now that some of the songs are familiar.
Spring bulbs in the front garden.


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