Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 7 February 2023

More Reflections.

Back to greyness today.
My ribs were still bad last night so I decided to have a quiet day today. On days like this I just go from small task to small task until eventually I emerge from a fog of tiredness free of a list of things I still need to do. What needed doing was packaging up the giant truffles ready for posting. I hang onto useful boxes because I believe that beautiful presentation really does increase the pleasure of recieving a gift. If nothing else it shows that care has been taken. Having wrapped the boxes I parcelled them up ready for posting.
A walk to the Post Office at the far end of the village was a good excuse for a walk along the beach.
The tide was out and I found plenty of reflections to photograph.
One advantage to the tide being so far out was that I could stride along on the sand on the seaward side of the rocks. Much easier than scrambling over the shingle having to watch where you put your feet.
After posting the parcel I went back to the beach and continued up to where some of the stumps of the submerged forest were poking up through the sand.

I thought this one looked like the bones of some sort of spidery monster emerging from the peat. 
I had to come away from the beach again to collect my prescription from the pharmacy but returned to walk the last bit to the cliff.
No Pilates tonight as the hall is being used for a blood donor session. (I take too many tablets for my blood to be useful.)

1 comment:

happyone said...

Great job on the package for the truffles. Looks professional!!