Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 13 February 2023

Golden Sun.

Another day of clear sunny skies.
It was still dark when I got up giving me the chance to capture the dawn first putting a hint of colour in the sky and later casting an early morning golden glow on the hills.
My back hasn't been good today but I can't recall doing anything on yesterday's walk, which was more like a stroll, to  set it off. There were only a couple of stiles to climb over and for the most part the track was quite flat. But I've taken things easy today, just the usual housework plus the ironing. I did plant up the bulbs I bought recently, most of them have gone into pots for the time being as the places I want to put them still have other plants in and it's too early to start planting up the new beds.
I've had some fun working out the crochet square for the throw that will be my next big project. I found a design I liked based on granny squares but when I tried it I felt there were too many spaces. Instead I found a less holey granny square pattern which I'm trying out. If all our books weren't still in boxes I could have looked at very good guide to crochet stitches that I have but I didn't feel like searching through the boxes.
A few more photos from yesterday.

The property with the donkeys had the biggest letter box I've ever seen. It looks suspiciously like one of those charity clothing drop off banks. In the UK the postman generally puts post goes through a slot in the front door with only places like farms with a long drive having an external letter box. We still have one on the wall by our front door as there will eventually be a closed porch and the post will go through a slot either in the door or the porch wall. If the postman can't get the letters into our small and now very rusty letter box he just leaves it in a plastic box leaning behind the garden wall. We've had some rather wet post at times but I don't blame him for not ringing the doorbell. The postmen are working under such tight schedules since the Royal Mail was privatised that they can't waste a minute. 
This barn had been filled with such sweet smelling hay that I wanted to bury my nose in those bales. It was the scent of summer and horses and all things lovely.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Oh yes, I like the smell of hay also. Hope your back is feeling better tomorrow.