Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 12 January 2014


Finally, I'm back. With all the recent rain our phone line deteriorated to the point where using it sounded like trying to have a conversation with outer space, all hisses and crackles. This problem has been getting steadily worse over the last 20 years but every time we call out BT by the time someone comes the ground has dried out and we have a reasonable phone line once more. The repair men have told us this is a common problem but BT won't replace the line until we lose it all together. Happy though I am to be able to get back on line once more I would almost prefer it to stay down until the BT man comes next Wednesday. (Yes, almost a whole week after we reported the fault.) With the line in such a state the broadband hub has been unable to connect leaving us somewhat isolated. I can get on the Internet at school but the filter blocks both Facebook and Blogger so I have felt cut off from friends and family. It's amazing just how much I rely on those forms of contact. Not to mention being unable to prepare lessons at home.
contd. (Some hours later.)
The internet seems to be limping back to its usual turgid  state. After yesterday's sun it's raining once more so maybe the line will go down again. I do hope so because I am fed up BT refusing to replace the line.
Yesterday Fred came and finished off the rendering around the new chimney stack. When it has dried out it will be my job to go up there and paint it white to match the other chimneys. While Peter went out rowing I got on with more garden work. I had to stop when my fingers and toes got too too cold even with several pairs of socks on my feet and thermal work gloves. That was a shame because it was so nice and sunny.
Today we are back to gloomy grey weather. After some nagging (which I don't like doing), I got Peter to come outside and take charge of clearing up the detritus from the chimney repair; plastic sheeting, bags of sand etc. I could have simply done it all myself but I live in hope that I can encourage/nag Peter into clearing up after himself. He's just one of those people who don't notice mess but I'm not going to be the one always to clear up. . 

1 comment:

happyone said...

Glad to see you back. : )