Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 20 October 2017

Glimpses of Sun.

It has, at least been mainly dry today. In order to catch the brief sunny spells it was a matter of spotting the sun and rushing straight out to take a photo before the clouds rolled across the sun once more. Last night I was having one of my restless nights which ended up with me downstairs at 4.00 doing my on-line jigsaw. Outside the wind whistled, the rain clattered on the conservatory roof and a tawny owl contributed a few hoots. Fortunately I did get back to sleep and was thankful that I don't have to worry about getting up for work.
Wandering around outside this morning I took stock of the plant pots on the patio. Some were sporting weeds or self-sown aquilegias so they could be used to pot up more of my plants to go. I dug up one sedum Autumn Glow (like above). It's not my favourite but the dark red flowers do give some welcome colour at this time of year and of course are great for the butterflies.
I also dug up a knautia macedonia (below). The name alone makes me smile and the red pin cushion flowers are very cheerful right now. It was joined by both red and pink flowered schizostylis  lilies. That's nearly all my plants ready to go. 
I got another box of stuff wrapped and packed while Peter had an appointment with our solicitor. Thank goodness there's a standard charge for the whole process.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Pretty flowers. I can't believe the beautiful weather we are having here and it sure helps with the house building.