Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 8 November 2020


A bit and sunny morning gave way to cloudy conditions in the afternoon.
I prefer to get my indoor jobs done first before escaping outside but today I thought I'd better take advantage of the sun while it was here and a good thing I did. It was so warm and sunny outside I would have worked in my sleeveless top if I hadn't been spending my time leaning over the top of the clump of sharp sticks that was once a green bush. So I kept my old fleece on and got as far as I could without going into next-doors' garden.
By the time I'd done enough out in the garden the sun was hidden but it was still warm so I thought I'd go for a short walk along the cliff. It's quite steep getting up the hill which gives my heart a good work out. This time I went further on to see what was around the corner, more cliffs and a rocky beach.
Walking back along the road I met the lady with the dog that bit me. I made sure to give them an extra wide berth but smiled and said a cheery hello. She just managed a smile but no greetings or chat.
Back home I gave up the search for the bedroom curtains for the time being and instead found some substitutes that had been washed and carefully stored in the airing cupboard in Dingles. A bit of a mix and match, one window has a temporary metal curtain pole, wooden rings and a pair of very pale lemon velvet curtains while the other window has one 'proper' curtain - cream with scattered pink and green foliage and a brand new plain cream curtain. I just wanted to draw the curtains at night, people can't see in with the translucent plastic over the glass but it still feels too makeshift. Maybe I'll set a new trend with the almost but not matched curtains.
The final job of the day was to get more things out of boxes and into the big pine cupboard. Our fitter has a cancellation for next Thursday so providing everything else slots in we may have our new kitchen sooner than we thought. Of course that means storing the old kitchen units somewhere? until the utility room is done. That's on top of moving as much as we can from the utility room and my study. Oh dear.

Now for an evening of Strictly.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Would love to walk along with you there. It was a warm day here too.