Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 29 November 2020


A pretty mackerel sky this morning. It was cold enough to see your breath but warmed up later. No wind and the sea was almost flat. This was a day for the paddle boarders and kayakers. A few swimmers too. When I went for my walk I saw a lady who'd been swimming in just a costume though I have to say she did have a generous amount of natural insulation.
After our Sunday morning listen to The Archers I had another session weeding between the paving slabs in the front garden. Straight away I was joined by the bold robin. He comes to within a few feet of me and I saw him rewarded for his courage with a couple of inch long worms. Once the outside tap is plumbed in I'll probably go over the slabs with the pressure washer just to make them look nicer.
Setting off for my walk I could see a cloud bank in the distance obscuring the mountains. (Christmas trees in two windows.) Plenty of people down on the beach, from family groups to single walkers and  many happy dogs. The low tide was quite far out so I began with a quick rock pooling session. I was careful not to walk over the honeycomb worm colonies but I got the chance to peer into a few pools. Touching the honeycomb worm tunnels they were surprisingly hard.
Walking up the beach the artificial reefs were sending the waves across each other making the box patterns you are warned to stay away from but here the water was only a few inches deep so I don't think there was much danger.
Today it was possible to walk around the bottom of the beach rock piles though one of them had a sneaky channel that I decided not to attempt. One couple went past me, the man only had walking boots and he climbed up over the rocks while the lady had wellies and managed to get through by going very carefully. I met some of our neighbours who were also out for a walk and we had a long chat out in the fresh air.

I have to smile when I go past the local 'boat park'. Exactly the same as a car park, there's one across the road, with a notice saying that the boats left there should be in reasonable condition.
There wasn't a lot of the afternoon left when I got home so all I did towards my Christmas crafting was research dragons. I need to work out how the wings go on. A lot of illustrators give dragons four limbs and then add the wings as extras which doesn't fit right with my scientific mind. Even fantasy animals should have four limbs not six. Instead I've been looking at birds and bats and this is how the dragons in GOT and LOTR are portrayed though Tolkien drew Smaug with four legs and separate wings. So far I've got a page of sketches of bone structure and rough body outlines. Maybe dragons will be for next year. 

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