Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 22 November 2020


Not too much wind today and plenty of sun.
This morning our neighbour told me his dog had gone through our rickety fence into the back garden and from there out into the road. Luckily he was able to get the dog back without too much trouble. It didn't take me too long to make some rough repairs to the fence using a door sized board, an old kitchen cupboard door and an old metal grill from the garden. Even if the dog does make it through into our garden it won't be able to get out to the road. Being out in the back garden encouraged me to get on with removing more ivy from the wall. It was awkward work sawing away at the fat stems close to the wall especially as they ranged from ankle to calf sized in diameter (those are my sturdy limbs being used as a size guide). I cleared another few feet of wall which was enough for one day. 'Bit by bit' is my work motto.
With the sun shining and some work achieved what else could I do but head out for a walk along the beach? 
I carried on to the end of the village where these Victorian? houses looked cheerful in the sun. At this point I was up on the sea defence wall/path which is about 10 feet above the level of the road. It blocks the sea view from the ground floor of the houses but that's a small price to pay for not getting flooded by the spring tides.
Out of the village I walked past the first section of the golf course. From there I would have had to drop back onto the shingle to get to the sand dune nature reserve of Ynyslas up ahead but time was running out.
Nothing for it but to turn round and head back. When I got to the end of the sea wall instead of going down to the beach and walking back over the stones which is wearing on the feet I walked down the High Street for a bit. At least I now know where Uncle Albert's Ice Cream Emporium is. When they are open again I'll be popping in to try their home made ice creams.
After striding along the pavement I slipped through one of the many passageways back onto the sand to catch the sunset. (It wasn't really as dark as this.)
The local coastguard have put out a warning on FB that Portuguese Man of War (or should that be men of war?) have been washed up on local beaches including the far end of Borth. The 10 metre long tentacles still sting even if the creature/colony is out of the water/dead and can be fatal. Better keep an eye out for those.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Love the pretty colored houses all in a row.