Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Kitchen - Day Four.

A wild and stormy day today. A combination of the spring tide and wind in the morning had the sea sending spray high up over the cliff.
After a brief spell of sun conditions worsened and there was a flood warning out for Borth. Not us up on the cliff but the lower part of the village has the high tide and the river to contend with. Although it would be lovely to live in one of those houses that back on to the beach they are also liable to be flooded by the spring tides so no thank you.
The rain had stopped when it was time for Peter to go down to the lifeboat station so he walked down, and then got caught by a hail shower on his way back. It looks like he might be able to be shore crew, (his age is against him), which would mean that he too would have a pager so that he could go down and open up if there was an emergency as we live so close. While Peter was out I used his pc to write up and print out my Christmas newsletter. I plan to send my Christmas cards early this year so people will have our new address. Also I see that people are putting up Christmas decorations early this year to counteract the doom and gloom of the pandemic.
The kitchen fitter has been here all day. He brought his 15 year old daughter along in the morning to peel off the plastic from the doors, get things from the van and do lots of tidying up.
I've tried to stay out of the way but still be available for deciding things which has meant a lot of time on the pc. I did give in and spend some time staring out of the dinning room window watching a few surfers braving the waves. The difficult fit caused by the wonky wall has been solved by changing the opening of the door from upwards to sideways but I decided to keep the handle horizontal to match the cupboard next to it. The spice rack has been made and there looks to be enough coated boards to make the shelves I want at the dining room end of the larder though that might have to wait until our very busy fitter has a free day.
I shall have to keep an eye out for the next very low tide so that I can have an extra long walk on the sand below the shingle.

This is the kitchen after a long day's work. The fitter is coming back tomorrow to finish plumbing in the sink as it needed a couple of elbows for the pipes and also to take away the rest of the packaging. Once that's done I'll start filling the cupboards. The last bits of trim go on after the electrician has wired in the hob and oven. Then the kitchen will be ready to use in time for me to start my Christmas baking.


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