Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 29 June 2022


Quite grey today with a number of heavy showers.
I delayed driving to the zoo until the first batch of showers were over but still spent five hours weeding my way over a muddy patch of gravel. Sometimes even I think I'm a bit odd choosing to spend so long on my hands and knees but I enjoy being outside with my thoughts and weeding isn't exactly hard. Plus there's the satisfaction of seeing the whole area clear of weeds. At times I worked in my big workman's coat while at others I shed both coat and jumper. One heavy shower had me sheltering under the roofed in outdoor cafe area but even there I found weeds to uproot. Usually I won't do that area because the gravel is sparse and the weeds rampant.
I was putting my tools back in the car and was about to pick up my camera for a walk around when along came another heavy shower. So I just got in the car and came home without taking any photos.
Once home I felt very weary and my mug of decaff coffee failed to wake me up. 
 Went out during a dry spell and took some photos in the back garden.

As promised here are more photos of The Knife Angel.


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