Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 5 December 2022


A cloudy day with scattered showers is what the man on the radio told us we would have and that is what we got though the showers were quite minimal. It wasn't as cold as it has been and consequently there wasn't too much condensation to wipe off the windows this morning. But - it's the weather forecast on the radio again and there's much talk of a serious drop in temperature this week.
Today has been quite Christmassy with another job ticked off my schedule as I hand delivered cards to the neighbours we've got to know. After which I worked on the sheet music for the carols. I had tried photographing the music and sending it to Peter to print out but that came out very dark so I only used a couple that I'd enlarged. Instead I stuck plain paper over the soprano and alto parts to give room to write out the Welsh verses. Better than having to read them from a separate sheet. That worked apart from accidentally sticking one strip of paper over the tenor/bass music. I couldn't peel it off and had to write out the music by hand. With so much to learn I can use anything that helps me. Having done that I carried on learning the tenor parts which I played on the piano.


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