Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 13 December 2022


The snow is beginning to recede from the distant hills but here we had a hard frost and it has been generally chilly and damp.
Peter scraped the ice from the windscreen and warmed the car up so that I could drive my parcels down to the Post Office. The kitchen scales proved accurate and none of the parcels were too heavy. Basically that's all my Christmas prep done apart from making some salads for our mini version of the Christmas Eve meal. I don't mind what we have for dinner on Christmas Day, I'm not keen on turkey but anything else will do. 
Once I'd got rid of the parcels I went for a walk along the sea wall. I'd wrapped up well but forgot to cover my face which got very cold. (I'd decided not to go to the zoo as I don't move around a lot when I'm weeding and it was just too cold.)
Yesterday the golf course was completely white, no golfers then and none today. Beyond the golf course sit a row of holiday chalets which must be lovely to stay in during the summer but not right now. 
I stayed up on the sea wall for most of my walk as I was wearing street boots rather than wellies but I went down on the shingle for a short stretch.
Back home I got the Duo Lingo out of the way before spending some time watching tv and the sea. 
And there, very close to shore was a pod of at least five dolphins fishing on our side of the reefs. One of them, at least, had a calf swimming right next to it. They were there for quite a while and it was worth getting cold to see them.


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