Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 16 December 2022


I was awake before dawn this morning and got to enjoy the fleeting pink sky and snow topped hills as the frost sparkled in the sun.
Last night's carol singing went well though it was quite cold standing between the two sets of open doors. All my layers kept me nice and warm and I shall wear the same again tonight. We didn't think that there would be many people around at 7.00 on a Thursday night but there was a steady stream of evening shoppers and one family group stopped to listen for half an hour. The Welsh verses went down well and so did Calon Lan which though not a carol is a hymn that everyone seems to know. Afterwards I ran into Tesco's to check the reduced sections and got; prawns, smoked salmon canapes, roast beef and pigs in blankets. Treats for both of us. The roads were clear on the return journey that is until I turned up by the cliff when they were white with a hard frost. I slowed down but even so the car had a wobble as I turned one corner. I drove even more slowly after that.
This morning I darned some tiny moth holes in my cashmere cardigan. We had terrible trouble with moths in the farmhouse and I think some of them went with us when we moved into town. Everything affected was either treated or disposed of and I haven't seen any signs of them here. (Fingers crossed.)
Later I had to go an collect my prescription from the pharmacy which was a good excuse for a beach walk. Where the sun hadn't reached the frost remained on the shingle making it look wintry and of course there were the icicles. (Just realised there are both forms of C in icicles, very confusing for anyone learning english.)
I took plenty of icicle photos, (expect more tomorrow,) as freezing conditions are quite unusual here.
Out at sea stood a solitary heron.
Most of the cliff icicles were 2-3ft long but the longest ones here were about 6ft.

Further along the beach sitting in the sun was a young family group. They were all well wrapped up and the two toddlers were happily making sandcastles. That's the way to bring up children.

Since I got home we've had a little rain. Not sure if that will wash away the frost and snow or just create more icy conditions. I'll still be driving on the main road tonight to be safe.

1 comment:

happyone said...

How pretty the icicles look. We see that quite often around here!