Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 2 December 2022

Out to the Hills.

Colder today with a thin layer of high cloud.
What a surprise, yesterday Peter suggested going up into the hills today partly for some fresh air and also to collect some rocks for the garden. 
This morning Peter dropped quite a few hints that his knee was giving him problems which I kind of ignored (years of experience have hardened my heart) and I certainly didn't think a lot of his alternative proposal that I go into town to do some shopping. I need more stamps and our little Post Office isn't open until Monday but I can wait until then.
We drove out the same way we went with Vytas and Sally, carried on for another mile and there we were.
Most of the drive was on a single track road which was a little unnerving when we drove along the side of a deep valley with a long drop beside us and many bends in the road. We were going to stop there on the way back for me to take photos but by then the sun had dropped and everything was in shade.
We drove along a rough track parking up to check out the state of the way up to the old quarry site but the pot holes were too deep. All around were steep tracks made by bike riders who I think made this tight circle which is currently flooded.
We found sufficient rocks around the valley to load up the car. Then we had a short walk to enjoy the spectacular views, a warming cup of coffee and home we went. To think that this high wilderness is less than half an hour's drive from home.
One thing we noticed was how utterly quiet it was. Not even a hint of bird song. I know it's winter but I think that the lack of birds is in large part due to the forestry going on. Yes there are area of mature trees but they are all conifers. This monoculture reduces biodiversity- no undergrowth, few insects and down the line or rather up the food chain few birds. While I'm blown away by the shape of the landscape originally it would have been mostly woodland. Early man travelled the country along the hill tops, used the trees for fuel and building material clearing the land for farming and domesticated sheep would have eaten any tree saplings.

This afternoon I photographed all the music for the Christmas carols we'll be singing using the very low tech method of placing strips of card over the notes for the sopranos and altos to blank them out. I'm hoping Peter will be able to print the music out as then I can write on the Welsh verses rather than having them on separate sheets. I need all the help I can get as all the tenor parts are new to me.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Sounds like a great walk.
That is one thing se don't need to do - go looking for rocks. Our property as you know is covered in rocks!! :). Too bad I couldn't send you some!!!