Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Golden Evening.

How time flies when you're having fun. I spent a happy morning on my hands and knees picking up sedum leaves and even found a patch of sun to work in. It was only when I went indoors for a cup of coffee that I found out it was 12.00. That was 10 minutes after I had planned to leave for work. It wasn't a major disaster as I was out of the house and off to work in 10 minutes flat and I always give myself plenty of time to organise myself once I get to school. I drove down the main road at 60mph (that's the speed limit on the country roads), until I got to the village where the limit drops to 30mph. I'm usually very good at keeping within the limits but I was nearer 40mph when I spotted the yellow jacket of a policeman with a speed gun in his hand. I quickly slowed to below 30mph and luckily didn't get stopped. That would really have made my day! My afternoon was spent with the little children in reception. As usual we started with phonics (even for 4 year olds) followed by snakes and ladders, playtime and a story. 
The day had started cloudy but soon gave way to sunshine. Coming home the countryside was bathed in a golden light but even by the time I got to the top of the drive the light was fading and it was dark half an hour after I got home.

Last year I bought a couple of Japanese maples on sale in Tesco's and one of them is making a bright splash of red contrasting with the grey of the wall and a metal statue.

1 comment:

happyone said...

It's amazing how time seems to go at different speeds. : )
Love the photo of the one lone bare tree!!