Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 5 November 2012


The sun made a welcome appearance this afternoon. It doesn't stay long in our valley but at least I can see it if I look up.
It's back to work for me this week so I'm officially ending my convalescence. I'm not yet fighting fit, I suppose I can thank my cough for a good part of that, but I have my arsenal of strong painkillers to keep me going. This morning I got up in good time and made myself a list of jobs to get through. Most of them got done and a few extra like clearing the gutters at the back of the house again. I was hanging up a bird feeder when I happened to glance up and see the gutters filled with leaves once more. I could have left the job until tomorrow but it could be raining so I changed back into work clothes and scrambled up and down ladders and got rid of those pesky leaves.
Our DIY stuff is still not quite sorted. It's like a tide flowing and ebbing in the kitchen. I discover another yet more boxes of mixed junk/tools/bits and bring it into the kitchen and then sorted stuff flows out to the charity shop or the dump and Peter has been taking some materials to his friends who can use them. Today I tackled the cupboard under the stairs. The carpet on the floor was a bit nasty as damp had got in through the back wall but I hauled it all out and bagged it for the dump and generally cleared the cupboard. So there are still some more boxes for Peter to sort through but already I have started to put boxed and labelled stuff back into the backroom. 

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