Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

More Snow.

We are right on the edge of the snowy area on the weather map so although it was snowing gently all night long and into the morning we only had another 3-4" of snow. Other places up country have had a lot more with the usual chaos. I was sitting in the kitchen planning some lessons when the cats and I were startled by several loud thumps and crashes. The icicles and a large section of snow had slid down off the roof into the front yard. Just then Peter phoned as the snow was getting worse in South Molton and some people were leaving work early. While we were talking on the phone I could see a veritable avalanche of snow, ie the rest of the roof snow, falling outside the window.
It was a much more snowy scene that greeted me when I walked up the hill to the car. I drove very cautiously along the icy/slushy road with the central strip of snow scraping the bottom of the micra. And then on the slope up from Okewill Cross I had to stop while a large truck attempted to get up the hill. It was sliding all over the place and not getting very far. Eventually the driver decided to back down the hill where there was room for me to get past him. From there on the road improved dramatically and once on the main road I was able to drive at a normal speed. The snow persisted further down towards Barnstaple and the town itself was enveloped in a kind of mist. Sleet started to come down quite heavily in the afternoon so the children couldn't go out to play as their coats would still have been soaking at hometime. The snow was falling in earnest by 3.30 so once the children had all been collected I togged up in boots, waterproofs, gloves and hat and made my way home. I decided to leave the micra near the junction with the main road, a few miles from home. I could probably have driven up through the slush to our usual parking spot but I have to be out early next morning. It wasn't snowing then but if any more snow fell or the slush froze there would be no way I would attempt the back roads. Instead I will go with Peter and depending on how bad the roads are and which way we go I will either collect my car in the morning and drive in to town or go all the way with Peter and collect the micra on the way home.
It was quite a pleasant walk, especially as I have gripper studs that you slip onto your boots, but when someone offered me a lift for the last mile I was happy to be driven. A few cars had driven by me without stopping and if conditions had been nasty I would have stuck out my thumb for a lift. At home I was just settling down for a relaxing evening when I noticed a large heap of snow in the conservatory. A section of the ill-fitting roof had bowed under the weight of the snow and the snow had fallen inside. I cleared all the snow from inside the conservatory then went up and down the ladder and cleared as much snow as I could from the roof. It will need a proper sort out later. That's the last disaster for today I hope.

1 comment:

happyone said...

The snow is so pretty. No snow where I live but we have the very cold temperatures. It was 7 degrees!! Don't know what that is in Celsius but it's cold. : )