Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 28 June 2015


They were right and it was been a rather wet morning. There was less rain in the afternoon and even the occasional hot sunny moment. I've been pottering around and just about cleared the pile of 'stuff' which had accumulated on the kitchen table. Most of it was paperwork from school and is now filed away in the correct folders. I know some of my colleagues throw out everything once they've used it but I'm of the older generation who think that if they've printed a pile of A4 colour pictures to illustrate a lesson then they should be kept for the next time we cover that subject. Hence  several boxes of folders covering all the curriculum. 
 The redcurrants are being raided as fast as they ripen
 It looks as though there'll be some apples this year.
How to decide, The Who or Donovan for tonight's Glastonbury viewing? That's if they show those stages on the tv as our broadband speed gets even slower in the rain so little chance of watching on the website.

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