Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 31 July 2017

Surprisingly Dry.

My friendly little robin is slowly getting his red/orange feathers.
It looks as if the internet is properly back, at least for now. I was going to say it is surprising but then maybe not so much, how much I enjoy my 'window onto the world'. Facebook gives me a glimpse into the boys' lives and also lets me stay in touch with friends and family. Of course I do also spend time looking at cute animals or other 'light' articles which I liken to flicking through a magazine. I did miss my morning relaxation time when after having done my housework and guitar practice I enjoy some coffee while listening to a radio programme on i-player and almost mindlessly working on an abstract on-line jigsaw. Instead I ended up watching the kitchen TV (which doesn't record) usually house buying programmes which were interesting but frustrating at the same time or cake programmes which had me succumbing to the home baked chocolate cookies sitting in the cupboard.
We've had lots of rainy weather over the past 4 days. I went into town on Thursday when rather than showers we had sudden cloudbursts (above). For most of the time it has been too wet to work outside but today despite the constant threat of rain it has been dry and even quite sunny in the afternoon. 
Over the last 2 days I've cut back the alchemilla around the pond, weeded most of the path and hand trimmed the grass edges there. Indoors I've carried on sorting stuff and was able to take a good load into the charity shops on Thursday. One project that I'm quite pleased with was to use a pool noodle, from the pound shop, to make soft spacers on 2 of our small back backs so that the back of the backpack doesn't come into contact with the wearer's back. (Does that make sense?) You can buy backpacks with a mesh panel that does the same thing but I couldn't find anything you could put on an existing backpack. The pool noodle idea came from the reply to somebody else's similar query on a forum. I do have to admit to generally getting Peter to wear the backpack when we go out for our walks but I thought it would make it more comfortable for him.
My coffee damaged ergo keyboard failed to revive after being rinsed under the tap and then gently allowed to dry so I shall have to clatter away on this old one for the time being.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Glad to see you back. : )