Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 12 September 2018


The autumn chill is creeping in, no rain today and plenty of blue skies in the afternoon. 
While we wait to see what properties appear in October's auctions I continue to search for bungalows on sale through estate agents. I got fed up of having to refer to the on-line maps to see how close to the coast places are and instead have made a map of the relevant parts of Wales. I cut up a very old and tattered road atlas and stuck the pages up on the back of my study door. Already marked on it are the locations of a natural voice choir (for me) and some of the 45 rowing clubs (for Peter). The green post-its carry the details of the properties that have made it to my 'worth looking at' list. I expect we will eventually take a road trip to check out the best prospects. Now I can feel that the last home hunt is under way. 
I put some nasturtium seeds under the tomatoes plants which have begun to flower now that the tomato plants are letting more light through. 
There are plenty of these common garden spiders around. They are also known as  diadem/cross spiders or crowned orb spiders. Much more interesting names. 
Peter came along again to choir on a trying it out basis and now he says he'll carry on for the term which is a good sign. Another crisp clear night with the stars visible as we walked past the street lights. Must try and learn more of the constellations as I'm still only at the 'saucepan' and 'big W' level. I should try and persuade Peter to load the app that identifies constellations when you hold up your smart phone.


sjohn.savage@gmail.com said...

Hi Ruta, We spend a lot of our time at our cottage in Parkham (west of Bideford) so read your blog with interest. Have you tried drawing your own boundaries on the RightMove map to select the area you want to live in - works really well.

Bag End Gardener said...

I love your map on the back of a door - did something very similar years ago when we were planning our move to the Lake District.

Not sure how I stumbled across your blog, but wanted to say 'hello'. Apologies if this is too nosey, but you live in a wonderful part of the country and I wondered why you are planning on moving to Wales?