Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 8 May 2019


Woke this morning to strong winds (lovely to listen to in bed) which heralded rain in the morning followed by some very heavy showers later on. Going to the doctors' I had to run through the rain from the car park. My doctor is pretty sure that I had don't have asthma or other breathing issues so next to be investigated will be my heart. It's either that or I'm terribly unfit which doesn't seem likely.
Peter didn't come to choir tonight as he needed to phone the electrician in Borth to talk about stuff and the chap wasn't availably until the evening. At choir we worked on Po kare kare ana which is lovely to sing and then had to sing the seaweed song, yuk. The ladies' Nightwalk for the local hospice happens in ten days and some of us are going along to sing to cheer the walkers on. Some of the choir are walking the long route, 11 miles from Bideford but that's too far for me. I did enjoy walking one of the shorter routes along the beach years ago. We sang some of the songs for that and then there was a general harangue about talking part in outside events as only about 20 people had signed up to sing. I think that the numbers have now increased.
 The pitcher plant's magnificent flower.
 Soay sheep in the Cheddar gorge.
 A bird's egg, possibly a magpie's found in the gorge.
Romas modelling the tea-cosy Vytas brought for me from his previous week's rafting and hiking trip in Nepal with Sally.

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