Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 15 April 2022


Still cloudy and reasonably warm. There was enough wind that the washing out on the line was almost dry by the time I brought it in.
After breakfast we continued with the shelves only to find we didn't have the right screws. So off went Peter to town to buy the screws, yes the tool places are open all day even though it is Good Friday and a Bank Holiday. While he was out I began cutting a stump in one of  the raised beds. I'd cut it down last year and poured stump killer into it but it was still putting out shoots from one side. I got halfway through with my trusty bow saw when Peter returned and we carried on with the shelves. It took a while but we now have the side cut and battens screwed and glued on. A fiddly job as the battens needed to be levelled and to correspond with the cupboard doors but we got it done.
Peter then went off on rowing club business and I finished cutting the stump. Then as I had brought down the lump hammer and brick chisel in anticipation of having to bash the stump into submission I thought I might as well begin taking down the raised bed that sits on top of the main raised bed but is leaning forward in an unsightly and precarious fashion. Apart from not looking good I want to reuse scavenged facing bricks on at least one of the new raised beds. Our builder can't get his head around this and keeps telling me it would be a lot of work to clean up and reuse those bricks. But not only are those bricks almost impossible to source and the one place I found wants £8 each, I'm quite happy to clean them and stick them on with mortar myself even if it takes a while. 


1 comment:

lea said...

I would salvage those bricks too! They would be a little more than $10 each here, that's an outrageous price.