Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 10 April 2022


Overall it's been grey today and considerably warmer than recently.
I woke this morning to realise that I'd forgotten to take my last lot of tablets yesterday. It could be old age creeping up but I think it was more to do with being tired and rushing to get my head down to listen to Round Britain Quiz on Radio 4. The result was a grumbling back today which I didn't want to aggravate by working in the garden.
Instead I got on and did the usual routines. DuoLingo and one bike session before breakfast and all the other things I do for my physical and mental health, then the daily housework chores and the Sunday watering and feeding of the orchids and the dunk in rain water for the air plants. An extra job done was scrubbing the tiled floor in the blue loo. I love those tiles but they are hard to keep clean.
We shared our Sunday breakfast with the birds. The blackbirds in particular show a marked preference for croissant flakes which get eaten before the healthy wild bird seeds I put out for them.
I found a spare bit of wood to make a marker for the mint which I shall be planting at the zoo as I think most of last year's planting got trodden on.
Eventually everything was done and I was able to sit out on the terrace with a coffee which stayed warm inside the new mug cosy. I sat and watched the sea before doing some felting. I have some blue wool roving and without anything too specific in mind I made a small sphere. It may become a blue bird - just found this image - how cute is this Blue Fairy Wren?


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