Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Sea Mist.

The day began grey and wet. I was on my way to the car for my morning at the zoo when I realised that there was in fact a significant amount of rain still falling and I returned back indoors. I did one cycling session by which time it wasn't so wet and headed off to the zoo. 
At the zoo I worked in bright sun and first removed my jacket and once I'd finished working around wet bushes I shed my fleece as well. My main work today was weeding the established flower beds after which I planted some mint dug up from the front garden here. To make sure it didn't get trampled again I stuck canes all around with some string tied between them and stuck in the labelled piece of wood in the centre of the mint. I finished off with some weeding of the gravel by the wolf dogs. The mist over the beach and the Easter holiday combined to bring a satisfying amount of visitors to the zoo. The pygmy goats are always poplular as they interact well with people, constantly bleating to fed with cabbage and carrots from the feed pots visitors buy. 
Later, when I had finished and was having a walk around the zoo I noticed that the sea mist had totally obscured the village and was gradually approaching across the field. Just as I was leaving I had to smile at the sight of a pet rabbit on a lead. Not one of ours but belonging to a visiting child. At first the rabbit was being carried but later I spotted it hopping along on the ground obviously used to wearing a harness and being on a lead. We often get dogs being brought in but that's the first time I've seen a rabbit on a lead.
The sea mist was heavy in the village and as I drove along the cliff I could see billowing clouds being blown in from the sea.
For a while the mist settled into a layer over the sea and across the lower part of the village while we stayed nice and warm in the sun above the cold mist.

Eventually the mist moved in closer and it was too cold to stay out on the terrace where I had settled with a sunhat on my head and my trousers rolled up to my knees. Closer still came the mist blocking out the sea altogether. This happened a few more times but I managed to capture the evening light on the village when the billowing mist pulled back briefly.

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