Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 13 December 2019


Today has been all about chocolate. I've been busy in the kitchen making chocolate truffles which will be part of my 'made with love' presents. The recipe is very simple and I use whatever is around to make the different sorts. This year there are some mint ones made with crème de menthe, nutty ones made with chopped pecans and ground almonds left over from the cake making and some with raisins soaked in whiskey. By the time I got to the end of dipping the truffles I had done more than enough licking out of bowls so I used up the last of the chocolate to make dark chocolate drops with chopped candied peel and green (white) chocolate drops with coloured sprinkles.
The rest of my time has been organising the packaging getting the parcels ready to post. This included climbing up into the loft to cut some bubble wrap from the roll, turning cardboard boxes inside out and making sure that the contents of the parcels stay safe in transit and stay under the 2kg limit. 
All this chocolate has kept my mind off the incredibly disappointing result of the General Election. The next five years will see this country being run for the benefit of the privileged wealthy. The problem was that the alternative was so radical it alienated many voters. Not to mention the stupid Brexit issue which everyone is so fed up with. The only light on our horizon is that Wales has its own government which deals with transport, energy, the natural environment, education and some health issues. Our neighbour in Borth failed to regain his seat from the Plaid Cymru (Welsh Nationalists) MP.
It's been a very cold and windy day. The two blankets that were on my old chair are too old and rough to be used as blankets but will be perfect for making heavy winter curtain liners to go behind the everyday curtains. I got one washed today and the wind blew it almost dry before I had to run and bring it inside.

1 comment:

happyone said...

You've been busy. They look delicious. Lucky people who get to eat them!!