Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 23 December 2019


I'm not too sure what the weather was like today as I was busy either sitting in the car or shopping but I know it didn't rain.
For once Peter and I were out together. The garage had rung and said the camper was ready for collection. This is not our lovely local guy ( we stopped there to give him a 'thank you' flagon of a particular cider that he likes,) but a specialist garage on the far side of town. Every road leading in to town was solid with traffic as people tried to get their Christmas shopping done. However when we got to the camper garage we found that they'd not sorted out the little door to the compartment where you access the bathroom waste to empty it. The distortion of the bodywork had jammed it shut, a pretty serious problem. So the camper stayed at the garage and we were saved a journey out to the farm where the camper lives. On the way to the garage we stopped at the surgery to pick up my prescription. Foolishly I thought that the actual tablets would be there for me to collect from the pharmacy but no, just the paper prescription which I would have to go to another pharmacy to get filled . (The surgery pharmacy is only for patients who live out of town.)  Once we left the garage we headed to Tesco's. Because of the horrendous traffic we didn't attempt to go to the larger one by the station but swung right round town to the smaller Tesco's on that side. Peter had a couple of things to do actually in town so he walked in from Tesco's and later made his own way home. 
It was so busy at Tesco's I had to trail back into the car park to find a smaller trolley. Then I needed to visit the toilets so I tucked my trolley nearby and of course by the time I came out the trolley had gone. Back I had to go searching the car park. The shop itself was busy but I ambled round trying not to get stressed. From Tesco's it was a slow crawl in the car to Lidl's where I joined the queue of cars waiting for a parking space. That shopping done there was an even longer crawl to one of the streets near the High Street where you can park for an hour free. There my luck changed and the nearest marked parking space was empty. At Boots they had my medicine but there would be a 20 minute wait until the pharmacist signed it off. That gave me time to get some more tiny beads for the last of my home made gifts. My eye was caught by this sculpture in the window of a pop up gallery. It looked to be made of resin and other mixed media and was about 3 ft. nose to tail.
It was a relief to get home though I wasn't best pleased to see that a sack of cat litter had fallen over in the boot of the car and torn on the metal car jack. Once the shopping was unpacked it was a relief to sit down with a cup of tea and relax.

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