Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 5 December 2019


The day began with a misty morning which settled into a grey and damp day.
I had yet another builder's bill to pay so once more I walked into town. The Pannier Market looked rather bare with just a few stalls selling craft/ Christmas goods. Normally the market is unoccupied on Thursdays.  
Bank visited and letters sent I did my usual skim through the charity shops. Somebody must have donated their collection of glass balls to the Air Ambulance shop, there were some pretty pink ones, some green and this large clear one which I bought to add to my collection. There was a deep blue one which caught my eye. Instead of being a sphere it was more of a blob but was too pricey for me as it did have some scratches.
I called in at the charity shop that sells haberdashery and picked up a 72 inch zip. I'd seen it the other day before I'd realised that the sofa's back cushion is all in one not two separate cushions. Another charity shop yielded a metal curtain rod with all the fixings and large end spheres. I also got curtain rings and metal brackets in yet another charity shop. At the moment there are no curtain rails at all in Red Roofs so I'll need rods for all the windows and every little helps. Then I met a friend whom I haven't seen for a long time and we had a very long chat standing in one of the shops.
Coming home past one of the old grand houses I saw some builders standing by a pile of bags filled with rubble and house fittings. This small sink caught my eye and I thought I would be brave and ask if they were throwing out the sink. They said there was nothing wrong with it and I was welcome to take it. It got a bit heavy on the approach to home but that's another saving for Red Roofs. Although there isn't anything functionally wrong with the sink in the separate toilet, avocado is dated and not very nice. The plan is to replace all the sinks etc with white though I still have a hankering for this type of sink (which Peter doesn't like.)


happyone said...

I'm with Peter. Those sinks are not my favorite! : )

lea said...

You do find the best stuff in the charity shops! That little sink is a good find too, count me as another who agrees with Peter.