Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 18 December 2019


Back to cold, grey and miserable weather today with a fair amount of rain. I got carried away with the cleaning this morning and having done the bathroom, as per the schedule which often goes awry, I carried on and washed the stairs' woodwork. There was a piece of the wooden flooring downstairs that was splintering so that was fixed with wood glue and some tiny nails. I remembered a tip I saw on FB to hold the pin with a pair of small pliers to save battering my fingers with the hammer. I'd had to go to the garage to find our smallest nails/pins and while doing so noticed that the white painted metal door had some green algae appearing. In my energetic mood I filled a bucket with water, soap and bleach before noticing that it had begun to rain. Rather than waste my enthusiasm I carried on regardless pulling my hood up to keep the rain off.
Once again I settled down for a knitting session in the afternoon. The first row or two look far too small to fit around a man's wrist but somehow it works. The even smaller needles give the correct sized mitten (at last) but I took a chance that I might have enough of the greyer wool not to have to use the browner wool around the cuff. Well now I know I don't so having got most of the mitten knitted it had to be undone and I'll start again tomorrow using the brown wool first. I'll admit that I am getting a bit fed up especially as there's a limit to how much tv I can watch.
When the post arrived I got excited to see an official letter from the surgery. It took a moment to realise that it wasn't a copy of the cardiologist's report, which would come from the hospital, but a general notice that all patients on regular painkillers would at some time be called for an annual blood test.

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