Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Wintry Showers.

Happy Winter Solstice.
From today the days begin to get longer. You don't need to be a Pagan to celebrate the lengthening days and the prospect of kinder weather. Long gloomy nights must be disheartening to even the cheeriest of souls. No wonder the date of Christmas was set to coincide with the turn of the year.
Our weather today was a mixture of heavy showers (the hail crashing into the window didn't wake Speedy up,) interspersed with some sunny spells. 
While Speedy slept I finished the mittens after which there was some much needed tidying up of my desks. This one was strewn with important papers and random stuff that needed putting or throwing away. The wooden desk in the sitting room was covered with fabric, elastic and all the other stuff being used in the sofa cover alterations, knitting wool and needles from my marathon mitten knitting (I'm still thinking about a pair for myself from the multicoloured sparkly wool) and felt and beads for my felt tree decorations project. Now that it's tidied up and the junk thrown out there's room to get on with whichever project I'll return to next.
 Late afternoon gloom.
A momentary rainbow.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Love that first picture and what an amazing rainbow.
I'm sure glad the days are getting longer!!