Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 30 December 2019


The morning began with clear skies and a fog bank over the river. Later the fog receded leaving the Taw clear but still was visible over the Torridge and maybe Bideford. It was a beautiful day for people still on a break from work to go for a walk to stretch their legs and exercise dogs and/or children. We can't always take advantage of such days due to our various infirmities. That doesn't bother me as much as it used to as I know that there are many more walks to be enjoyed.
I had a birthday present to find so I took myself off to town. The roads were quiet but there were a lot of people out shopping. I found myself this apple shaped glass ball in a charity shop. I'm particular about the shape and colour of the glass balls  in my collection and this passed the test. I also bought a long sleeved zip-up top for Pilates and maybe the bike. So far the only Pilates class I've found in Aberystwyth is in the university sports club and the details advise wearing a long sleeved top as the class is held in a sports hall. I haven't seen any reduced cards I like enough to buy but I did buy a gift box and then a sparkly unicorn tree decoration and a GOT calendar for myself.
I had a pleasant walk home along Pilton Street. 
Next to the disappointing mock medieval alms houses and gateway built by the Victorians is this genuine medieval  building. I believe the current owners have spent a fortune restoring it.
The building on the left used to be a glove factory and has now been converted into luxury apartments. 
After a reviving cuppa I occupied myself removing the much frayed material stitched to the ends of the old blanket that used to be folded up on my chair and is now destined to become curtain lining. 

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